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Our large team at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals offers a responsive, friendly and helpful service to referring vets and pet owners 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our world-class specialists treat over 7,000 animals each year, leading the way in clinical practise and are at the cutting-edge of veterinary medicine.


We are based near Potters Bar in Hertfordshire.

If you’re a vet and would like to make a referral to our small animal team, call us on +44 (0) 1707 666399 (and select option 2).


About Us

With a team of over 200 dedicated and professional staff, the RVC offers the largest and most comprehensive small animal referral service in Europe. Patients are treated at our Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, near Potters Bar in Hertfordshire. We offer a helpful and responsive service for referring vets and pet owners, as well as outstanding opportunities for specialists-in-training.


Veterinary Emergency Referrals

The Queen Mother Hospital for Animals offers the largest and best equipped emergency veterinary facility in the UK. Our Emergency Referrals Service is in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is staffed by a large team of vets and specialist nurses, who provide acute care.


Service information

We have the most highly trained team of vets and nurses in Europe, who deal with dogs, cats and other small animal emergencies and are experienced in handling all types of cases. Our small animal emergency clinic receives referral cases 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and our specialists are available to support and advise referring veterinary surgeons on critical cases. Following triage and emergency treatment, patients can be transferred to our Intensive Care Unit, while stabilising patients requiring follow-up treatment are referred to relevant services within the hospital.

In addition to state-of-the-art facilities and extensive in-house laboratory capabilities, the Emergency Referral Service is supported by our on-site transfusion service, which means we can provide the highest level of care to critically ill patients.

The RVC small animal referral hospital is a multidisciplinary service and is supported around the clock by various specialists. Each patient gets the care it needs, when it needs it.


Out-of-hours cover

Our out-of-hours veterinary emergency team supports participating practices throughout the region by undertaking evening and weekend emergency services on their behalf. Veterinary practices wanting tofind out more about the benefits of the out-of-hours service can call Helen O'Sullivan on 01707 666851.


Queen Mother Hospital for Animals (QMHA)

Referring vets

Emergencies: +44 (0) 1707 666399 (select option 1)

Available 24/7

Referrals: +44 (0)1707 666399 (select option 2)

Mon-Fri: 8.30am-7.00pm. Sat: 8.30am-12.00 noon

General Enquiries

+44 (0)1707 666399 (select option 4)

Mon-Fri: 8.30am-7.00pm. Sat: 8.30am-12.00 noon

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United Kingdom

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Type de l'annonce
Recherche d'emploi
Soin des animaux
La date de création
lundi 15 octobre 2018
il ya 6 ans et 4 mois
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ID de l'annonce
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