Pet/Animal "Distance Reiki Healing"
Firework season is almost upon us & every year the "Celebratory Fireworks" seem to get BIGGER & LOUDER.
If you have a pet or animal at home or in a nearby field that gets upset during this time then "Reiki Energy Healing" could be the answer.
Reiki Healing can calm scared/fearful animals, help with nervousness, relax, ease anxiety & de-stress your furry friend.
》》After an initial consultation with the owner by either email, phone or text, I can then send "Reiki Distance Healing" to wherever your pet may be, your pet doesn't have to do anything or go anywhere I will send their healing directly to them wherever they may be.
**Distance Pet/Animal Reiki Healing Session £12 for 15 mins.**
**One on one Animal Reiki Healing also available 30 mins £20.**
Contact " Chiyu" to book or to find out more:
07884 252141