Dear Laidys,
No time for make up?
I am offering Semi permanent make in Kingston from my home, mobile service possible for extra charge and right new I do fantastic discounts to you!
Powder effect eyebrows:
Treatments to define or enhance brows
was £199 and now £100
Eye Liner:
Treatments to enhance the look and volume of lashes.
Eye liner with flick
was £150 and now £70
Lip line:
Treatment where I can help correct an uneven lip shape and
small lips can be made to look more youthful
was £150 and now £70
Lip blush:
Treatment creates lasting fuller lips, so you don't need to wear lipstick
was £199 new £100
Refill treatment is only valid for 2 months after the original procedure if it is necessary to fill up fades and cost £20
Fully insured, trained and experienced therapist
Mob: 07553552227
If I'm not responding it's mean that I'm busy with client, fill free and text me.
Semi-permanent pigments are applied to the surface layer of skin, designed to define and enhance natural facial features. The pigments are implanted using microfine needles, a process which is also known as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing. Effects will gradually fade over time, depending on factors such as age, exposure to sun and general skin care; however, top-ups can rectify this.
Eyelash extensions
First appointment £5 Discount
Full set:
3D / 4D - £40
Russian volume £50
Natural look (1 to 1) £35
Infills: 30 min - £15, 1h - £30, 1:30h - £40