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Always had a great passion for make-up, beauty and wellness and had my first cosmetics job as a seasonal for The Body Shop.

Trained as a cosmetologist in 2014, and have been in the beauty industry since.

During my training, I started working for the Nordics' largest cosmetics retail chain store, Kicks, where I worked until 2022 - there I had the opportunity to eat, sleep and drink make-up!

Alongside this, I also took on freelance assignments where possible.

My biggest wish is for everyone to feel good and not least beautiful, and I love using makeup as a tool to do just that. I also love to teach my customers and clients tips, tricks and lessons on make-up.

I am in London to study journalism, and I also work freelance as a make-up artist.

I can offer make-up services such as party/special events, bridal and editorial.

Nina Yaminah
Nina Yaminah
la spécialisation
Cosmetology, Make-Up
Cote de popularité
la Ville
United Kingdom
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Il ya 1 an 7 mois
Freelance MUA
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