A friendly family of 4 are looking for a part time nanny/housekeeper to join their family.
They have 2 lovely daughters aged 4 and 7 years old. Mum is looking for a team player who can look after the girls both sole and shared care. They can be flexible with the hours but suggest someone comes to the house to do the housekeeping for their 5 bedroom house, duties to include vacuuming, mopping dusting, changing bedding, laundry and ironing.
They also have silver and brass they would like occasionally cleaned. Mum will then pick the children up from school at around 3pm and would like someone who is happy to help look after the children, sole charge sometimes while mum takes the older one to after school activates, entertain them at home, help with homework and bedtime routine.
The family would also like someone who enjoys cooking healthy nutritious meals for the girls.
The family have no pets. In the holidays the hours would remain the same.
Live-out Part-time Nanny/Housekeeper Needed in Clapham - Clapham South/Common
Start date: ASAP
Days: Monday-Friday
Hours: Mon and Thurs 1pm-7pm (days can be flexible) Tues, Wed and Fri 3pm-7pm
salary: £12 nph
You must have minimum 4 years experience here in UK in similar roles with checkable references, good level of English
Contact Details:
Marianne Lovgren