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Our mission at Carewatch is to provide high quality care outcomes for vulnerable people who want to live at home, independently


Domiciliary care

Enjoy the benefits of support at home, with our domiciliary care services

If you, or a loved one are of advanced age, or find performing everyday tasks difficult due to an illness, injury or disability; our home care visits can provide the extra support needed to live independently at home.

The benefits of domiciliary care can be far reaching. By helping out with tasks, such as dressing, cooking and domestic chores - our carers can make your daily routine that much easier. Visiting care doesn’t just provide assistance, it can also improve self-esteem by increasing independence and reducing your reliance on relatives.

Get in touch with us today to find out how our home visits can help you.

In the following video, Tracy, one of our home care workers explains how we help Jack twice daily at home.


Personal home care

We provide personal home care to help with the more intimate or personal daily routines which may have become more difficult

Our personal home care services support the elderly and frail, physically disabled, learning disabled, or those with mental health illness with personal daily routines at home that may be impossible to do alone, or have become more difficult.


This kind of support can range from:

- Getting out of bed in the morning

- Help with washing and dressing

- Assistance with maintaining personal appearance

- Help and support with toileting/incontinence

- Getting settled in for the evening and going to bed


Dignity and Respect

We always preserve the dignity of our customer, ensuring that we take a warm and respectful approach to personal home care routines.

Our service ensures that people have privacy when they need and want it, treating them as equals, respecting people's personal preferences, lifestyle and care choices.


Supporting independence and choice

Whererever possible, and where it is safe to do so, we will let our customers do things for themselves.

We encourage independence and confidence in being independent.

Our home care team will always respect those we support, offering a personalised service, and taking into account their personal lifestyle, culture, choices, and wishes.


Practical home help

Our practical home help service assists those who need help with day to day house work, meals, or getting out and about

We offer practical home help for the elderly, those with disabilities, with mental illness, and anyone who struggles to get practical tasks done in the household. Housework may become more difficult to do, or take much longer.


We support by assisting, or doing practical tasks which may include:

- Vacuuming the home or cleaning floors

- Tidying and dusting

- General cleaning or one off cleaning tasks

- Preparing and cooking meals

- Doing the washing up

-Going to the shops with you, or for you

- Support with managing household bills

- Assistance with managing medicines

- Pet care like feeding, walking the dog, or cleaning pet homes and toilets


Many people combine some practical home help with some personal home care as often, it is both that are needed.


Getting out and about

We also help with arranging and planning a trip out, visits to friends and family, and support with social activities like attending a local coffee morning, social clubs, bingo, or the cinema. Our support is provided in the way that suits you, with personal care planning, ensuring that we respect people's personal preferences, lifestyle and care choices.

If you or a loved one has an event to attend such as a wedding or a funeral and will need assistance throughout the day, we can help.

We understand that often, it is not just help at home that is needed but also friendship and companionship.


Live in Care

Receive dedicated one to one support with our live in care service

What is Live in Care?

A live in care service provides around the clock home care for adults and the elderly who may need this level of support to continue living in their own home and community.

We provide you with your own, dedicated live in care worker who is always available in your own home to help you, day or night.

Get in touch with us today to find out more about our live in care service.


Who has live in care?

A wide range of people receive live in care, from those who have become elderly and frail, have physical disabilities, terminal illness, or complex care needs, to mental health support needs or a learning disability.

We also provide live in care for elderly people who have become less able to get around and have become lonely and isolated. The live in care service provides not only the support required but also friendship and companionship.


Typically, the following situations may require a live in carer:

- Friendship and companionship

- Respite care

- short term live in care for recovery from an operation, illness or injury

- End of life care

- Care for couples to prevent one from going into residential care

- Parkinson's care

- Stroke or brain injury rehabilitation

- Dementia care


We work alongside other health and social care professionals you or your loved one may need, such as district nurses, social services, and the NHS.


What kind of help will I receive?

The kind of things a Carewatch live in carer can help with, include:

Washing, dressing and personal appearance

Help with going to the toilet or managing continence

Ensuring medication is taken and on time

Preparing and cooking nutritious meals

Laundry, hoovering, tidying and cleaning

Changing and making the bed

Getting to medical appointments

Help with keeping up hobbies and interests

Assistance with mobility or getting out and about

Hoisting and manual handling

Help with looking after pets

Assistance with daily exercise

Teaching how to use a computer, tablet or smart phone

Teaching how to use Skype or Facetime to stay in touch with family and friends


Along with your dedicated live in carer, you and your carer also have the support of our experienced office team, so you always have the reassurance and comfort of knowing that you can always speak to someone from Carewatch.


Regular care plan reviews

In our experience, most home care needs change over time; you may need less, or more support depending on your personal circumstances. A personal live in care plan will be regularly reviewed and updated.

We always ensure that not only are your care and support needs met but also your personal goals and wishes.


Contact Details:

Address: Carewatch Care Services Ltd

Libra House, Sunrise Parkway

Linford Wood

Milton Keynes

MK14 6PH

Phone: 01908 557 950

Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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Ad Type
Job search
Domestic Staff
Date added
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
6 years 10 months ago
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