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17 January 2016

Cleaning of apartments by cleaning companies


Cleaning of the apartments can be full-service. Even when we think about simple cleaning of the house, we must perform a lot of tasks. This poses the question: is it possible to allow enough time for this? Or do you have enough energy to do this? More often than not we don’t have time and energy because we get tired at work or we have the other purposes. We have to pass through a lot of things, we are always pressed for time but we have to do a full program. Steady stress does not make you want to houseclean even once a month.


Housecleaning can be performed by the real professionals, who know and perform their labor perfectly. Moreover, these people will give you an opportunity to spend your free time with your friends and family instead of cleaning your house.


Speaking about apartments’ cleaning, we should mention that it’s very responsible work, which requires certain skills. The package of works is usually performed according to the order of a customer, who sets workers of a cleaning company tasks. Moreover, the customer usually discusses time period for doing the work and time when workers should start.


Key-ready cleaning of apartments


Full-scale cleaning is usually called key-ready cleaning by professionals. The thing is that it’s the most labor-intensive process. The surface treatment of all seeable and unseeable surfaces should be done, including the cleaning of inner parts of furniture, household appliances and so on. Dry-cleaning of carpets and industrial carpets must be made, radiator grills must be cleaned, and all bathrooms must be cleaned and disinfected. The workers must do the windows, clean all furniture, walls and ceilings. All candelabrums, chandeliers and smooth surfaces should be cleaned.


Cleaning of apartments after home improvement


One more labor-intensive process is cleaning of apartments after home improvement. It’s impossible to clean everything by yourself. You may be disappointed with a result, because if you don’t know how to work with such big spaces you can harm a surface of a new interior or this cleaning may take you a lot of time and you will have to go on unpaid leave.

Do you really need these sacrifices? In fact, it’s possible to call a group of workers, which will clean your house. Moreover, this process will take you less time and it will not cost you your monthly wage.

All professionals from a cleaning company usually use special equipment, which can’t be found in a typical house. Besides, they use special cleaning products, which remove all impurities but there is no health risk in them.


Everyday cleaning of apartments


Everyday cleaning of apartments is usually carried out by one person. In this case a professional doesn’t need to make a lot of activities in order to clean a lot of dust. However, the customer can sometimes ask to do the windows and to do dry-cleaning of carpets.

If you constantly keep your apartments clean, you can do full-scale cleaning only twice a year.


What does the list of apartment’s cleaning include?

First of all, a professional takes out the trash. Then he/she mops the floor, clean the heaters. Floor moldings must be cleaned. Dust and dirt should be removed from all vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Door units must be cleaned. Dirt from mirrors and smooth surfaces is brushed away. The professionals clean upside of partitions, ventilation apertures and exposed surfaces of walls. They take particular care over cleaning bathrooms, not only doing away with impurities, but also disinfecting sanitary conveniences. The professionals do the windows.

The cost of cleaning depends on options, the customer has chosen. But every customer of cleaning company should also pay attention to price assessment. As a matter of fact, services of cleaning company can’t be very cheap. But if the prices are high, it doesn’t mean that this company has a fare name. Choosing the cleaning company, you should pay attention to evaluations of those customers, who have already made use of services of this company. You can find all characteristics of cleaning companies via the Internet. This is because the reviews of customers are posted to the websites of companies. You may even chat on the discussion board if you think that the reviews are posted by the members of the company or by unreal customers.

The best advertising of service quality of cleaning company is word-of-mouth marketing. In this case you have a good opportunity to find a serious company without worries about results of cleaning and safety of your property.


Cost of services of cleaning companies and specialist advice


You may calculate the cost of services by yourself. Some companies offer to their customers a calculator, which calculates the cost of services you need and shows you entirety you should pay.


Usually the cost of service is shown, including room space that should be cleaned. You should understand that these prices are approximate. In other words, it’s better to review the prices for each service and then to sum the given results. For further information you may contact sales representative or advisor. Besides detailed description of conducted procedures, you will also get advice about cleaning and all information about cost, time period and the scale of future cleaning.


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