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Health and Beauty
02 February 2018

Dream Spa Medical is proud to present the latest technique in semi-permanent makeup applications. Microblading is an eyebrow enhancement treatment that inserts pigment into the outer layers of the skin. Unlike traditional brow tattoos, microblading allows us to deposit the pigment in precise, hair-like strokes, creating a very natural finish.  Whether you're reconstructing, reshaping, or simply filling in gaps, the finished product will look just like your actual brows. Only better!


Microblading is a two-part treatment. The first session, also known as the "fill", involves shaping the brows, mapping out symmetry, color selection and treatment. The "finish" appointment should be scheduled 6 weeks later. This session involves color correction and additional strokes to complete the look. Both appointments are covered in the initial cost. The results can last up to 18 months depending on skin type and home care, after which time the pigment fades.


Touch-ups may be required to maintain results. Discounted rates are applied to touch-up appointments booked within 10 months of the finished treatment.


- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment.

- Avoid caffeine the day of your appointment.

- Avoid active ingredients such as acids, astringents, retinoids or topical medications for 5-7 days prior to treatment.

- No electrolysis for in treatment area for 5-7 days prior.

- No waxing, bleaching or depilatories in the treatment area 2 days prior.

- No chemical peels or laser treatments for 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

- Please inform your artist of any hormone therapies, antibiotics, or anticoagulants, including daily doses of aspirin.



Please follow these instructions for 14 days post Microblading.

- No makeup directly on the brows

- Avoid wetting the eyebrows.  If your eyebrows get wet, gently pat them dry. Your artist will provide tips.

- Avoid sauna, steam rooms and heavy perspiration.

- Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds.

- Do not touch, rub, pick or scratch your brows.

- Apply healing balm according to your skin type. Your artist will make recommendations.

- Cleanse brows at night. Use a damp q-tip to remove excess healing balm, pat dry and allow the skin to breath. Apply final layer of balm before bed.

- Avoid active ingredients such as acids, astringents, retinoids or topicals on or above treatment area.

- Mild redness and/or swelling can be expected.

- Post treatment bleeding is possible.




Recovery is a fluid process. The pigment will become significantly darker after your session, and then fade away. During this time the skin may begin to flake or scab. it is very important that you allow the skin to heal without picking or scratching.  Entering into the second week, the pigment will re-aggregate and your brows will begin to return.


If you are due to have an MRI or give blood, please inform your provider that you have had a semi-permanent makeup application.



Fact Sheet: Microblading


Is it tattooing?


With the sudden popularity and media attention to the term microblading, many are led to believe microblading is not a tattoo process. Permanent cosmetics, micropigmentation, dermal implantation, microblading/microstroking, eyebrow embroidery, and long-time/long-lasting makeup, are all different names for the same procedure – cosmetic tattooing. Any time color is placed into the skin with any device, it is a tattoo process as defined by many well- informed regulators, the medical community, and dictionary sources. Denying this process is a tattoo can be problematic for those who would, for religious or other personal reasons, normally refuse to have a tattoo.


Is a blade being used to perform the microblading tattoo procedure?


Microblading is performed with a grouping or configuration of needles affixed to a handle to manually create lines that resemble eyebrow hairs. Manual methods of tattooing have been used through the ages, and the tools have gone through changes over time from pre-historic sharpened stones to the hand tool devices currently being used. An actual scalpel or cutting-type blade should not be used under any circumstances as these are considered medical devices and cannot legitimately be used for this process. Any hand tool device (i.e., both handle and attached needles) used for microblading should be pre-sterilized and fully disposable.


Is it semi-permanent?


Some are promoting microblading or eyebrow embroidery as a semi-permanent process; and that the color only reaches the epidermal (outer) layer of the skin. A careful review of basic skin anatomy and physiology would reveal this is not true. By definition and tattoo industry standards, color is tattooed/implanted into the dermis of the skin. If pigment particles do not reach the dermis, they will disappear during the healing phase of the skin, during normal regeneration of cells at the epidermal level. Pigments do fade in the skin over time, but that does not make the process semi-permanent. It is impossible to predict how much pigment will fade away and how long it will take to do so with any measure of consistency or reliability.


Why does microblading not last as long as other eyebrow tattooing techniques?


This is simply because a much smaller amount of pigment is inserted (tattooed) into the skin as compared to fully or solidly filled eyebrow tattoos.


Is there less training needed to learn microblading as compared to learning permanent cosmetics?


No; if someone is new to the industry and does not already have a minimum of 100 hours of training in permanent cosmetics, they need to have a similar amount of training in microblading, even if it is for just that one type of procedure. There are many areas of study when learning these techniques, which include facial morphology and bone structure, brow shaping and design, color analysis, color theory, proper handling of equipment, prevention of cross-contamination, as well as practice work and the opportunity to observe procedures before actually performing them under supervision. Anyone interested in pursuing training in cosmetic tattooing, including microblading, should first check with state and county regulating agencies. This would also include verifying the qualifications of any trainer, in addition to checking with regulatory agencies for trainer compliance with local health, safety, or permit requirements if the trainer is travelling from another state or country to offer training.


Microblading Aftercare Instructions


READ THOROUGHLY! It is essential that you follow these instructions after your Microblading session:


Day 1 (Day of treatment): 2-3 hours after treatment, gently clean the area with a very small amount of sterile water on a cotton pad, just barely damp, NOT wet. Do this 2 to 4 times today to avoid build-up of blood/lymph on the area.


Day 2 & 3: When you wake up, gently wipe the area with a small amount of sterile water on a cotton pad. Be extra careful not to rub the brows hard, tug or scrub the brows.

Do this 2 to 4 more times today to avoid any build-up of blood/lymph

Using a cotton swab, you may apply a very small amount of Aquaphor to brows (very small amount-like half the size of a grain of rice for both brows). This is just to add a small amount of moisture – brows should not appear greasy, glossy or shiny, if they do, you used too much. Do not use aggressive movement/manipulation of the skin- be gentle. Make sure your hands are clean before touching your brows.


Day 4-14: Gently clean the brow area with a damp cotton pad, you may use a drop or 2 of alcohol free witch hazel (added to the damp pad) to clean the brows 2-4 times a day. If your brows feel tight or dry, you may apply an extremely thin layer of Aquaphor after cleansing (brows should not be greasy, glossy, or shiny – if so, you used too much).


The following must be avoided for 10 days post-microblading procedure:

Allowing any water to touch the brows!

No shower stream over brows. Wash face CAREFULLY with a washcloth or cleansing wipes, avoid brow area.



Practicing sports


Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi

Sun tanning or salon tanning

Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic Acid on the face or neck

Picking, peeling, or scratching of the brow area. You will cause scarring of the area or removal of the pigment if you pick or peel scabs prematurely.

Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris – now is not the time!

Spicy foods


Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds

Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles

Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care with a cotton swab


Do not use any cleansers or facial products of any kind, over the brow area for at least 10 days.


Absolutely do not use any ointments, antibiotic creams or gels, or vitamin creams over the brow area – it will draw out the pigment.


*Before showering apply a thick layer of Aquaphor to protect your eyebrows from moisture. During the shower keep your face away from the showerhead. And remove the Aquaphor gently after the shower.


Please NOTE: Itching and flaking may appear during the first seven days post-microblading procedure. However, experience has shown that by following these after-care instructions, these symptoms may quickly disappear.

Touch-ups and/or correction of the shape-design is recommended only after 6-8 weeks.




Your eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle.


Days 1-4: The pigment will appear very sharp and dark. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin, and has not yet settled in completely. The color of the pigment will soften gradually. Do not be alarmed if you see some pigment on the cotton swab, as this is excess pigment and/or body fluid that is naturally exiting your skin. Your brows may swell and appear larger also.


Days 5-7: Once the healing of the skin starts taking place, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression that the pigment is fading too quickly, however, this is just superficial color and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows.


Days 8-12: Your brows may look as though the pigment has completely faded – do not panic – take a deep breath and trust the process.


Days 14-28: Your brows may still look a little patchy or uneven, but the pigment will start to “reappear” as the pigment settles and the healing continues.

You may get your touch-up/perfecting procedure done at the 6-8 week point NO SOONER to allow for complete healing of the brows.


Pro-Tip: Once completely healed, always apply a layer of sunscreen SPF 30 up to SPF 50 on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun. Sun exposure might cause the color pigment to fade quickly.


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