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Dermal Fillers / Wrinkle Fillers are popular treatments used for plumping lips, softening wrinkles, laughter lines, facial lines and wrinkles caused naturally by ageing or sun exposure.

Dermal fillers are injected into the skin to give your face a natural volume, leaving your skin completely hydrated and youthful.

Lip Fillers are by far the most common treatment using Juvederm.

Popular areas to add volume and fullness to include the lips, cheeks and bridge of the nose. For smoothing and plumping lines and wrinkles, popular treatment areas include the vicinity of the forehead, eyes, mouth, chin, neck, décolletage and hands.

Juvéderm® is made from biocompatible, biodegradable materials and contains Hyaluronic Acid, which replaces the naturally existing substance in your skin that repairs damaged tissue.


There are different types of Juvéderm®:

Juvéderm® Ultra 3 is used for lip fillers and wrinkle fillers whilst hyaluronic acid attracts and retains moisture. Results can last up to a year, but usually 6-8 months.

Juvéderm® VOLUMA® replenishes lost skin volume to regain a youthful curve to the cheeks and can be used to enhance the overall shape of your face. Results can last up to 18 months. Juvederm® is an FDA approved product.

Perfectha® anti-ageing results are subtle and refined giving a more youthful appearance that can last up to a year. We would recommend a top up treatment every 6-9 months.

Perfectha® is also an FDA approved product.


Princess 0.5ml (best choice for small wrinkle) - £175

Princess 1ml - £275 (best choice for wrinkles)

*Every other 1ml of Princess filler after the first 1ml* - £175


Juvederm Ultra 3 0.5ml - £199 (best choice for just 1 lip)

Juvederm Ultra 3 1ml - £299 (best choice for lip fillers)

*Every other 1ml of Juvederm filler after the first 1ml* - £200


JuvedermVolift 0.5ml - £225 (best choice for just 1 lip)

JuvedermVolift 1ml - £325 (best choice for lip fillers)

*Every other 1ml of Juvederm filler after the first 1ml* - £225


JuvedermVoluma 1ml - £325 (best choice for cheek fillers)

*Every other 1ml of Voluma filler after the first 1ml* - £225



Package 1 - Juvederm Ultra 3 / Princess 1ml + 1 Area of Botox - £375 (Save £75)

Package 2 - Juvederm Ultra 3 / Princess 1ml + 2 Area of Botox - £399 (Save £100)

Package 3 - Juvederm Ultra 3 / Princess 1ml + 2 Area of Botox - £425 (Save £125)

Package 4 - JuvedermVolift / Voluma 1ml + 1 Area of Botox - £399 (Save £75)

Package 5 - JuvedermVolift / Voluma 1ml + 2 Area of Botox - £425 (Save £100)

Package 6 - JuvedermVolift / Voluma 1ml + 3 Area of Botox - £450 (Save £125)

Package 7 - Juvederm Ultra 3 / Princess 1ml + PRP Vampire Facial - £425 (Save £75)

Package 8 - JuvedermVolift / Voluma 1ml + PRP Vampire Facial - £450 (Save £75)

Package 9 - 1ml of any filler + PRP Vampire Facial + 3 areas of Botox - £625 (Save £125-150)


Debit/Credit Card payments are subject to 3% processing fee

0% Finance is available on all treatments over £150


Brand that you are interested in not listed here?

No problem - we can source any brand of your choosing, the 2 brands that we are using however, are the best in the market for the lip fillers & wrinkle fillers - Give us a call on 0208 243 8921 to discuss.



Beauty Clinic SIMONE

Unit C, Yeoman Street

SE8 5ET, London

United Kingdom


Call us and book your visit: 0208 243 8921


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Ad Type
Job search
Health and Beauty Services
Botox and Dermal Fillers
Date added
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
6 years 5 months ago
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