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Long term Live in housekeeper/nanny wanted in Elstree


A relaxed, friendly family are looking for a live in Housekeeper/nanny to join their family on a long term bases, based in Elstree (20 minutes to Kings Cross). They are looking for someone to become part of the family and really bond with them. They see the position 70% housekeeping and 30% childcare. The family have 3 children nearly 10, 8 and 5.5 years old, they all go to school but the family are looking for someone who is good with children and who can entertain them and help with homework when they come back from school. Help with bedtime/morning routine and also happy to do baby sitting. Mum is a part time teacher so usually does school runs and is around some days.


The family live in a 3 floor house and the accommodation on offer would be the top floor, where there is a big bedroom own bathroom, TV and internet. While the children are at school they would like someone who can do the full housekeeping, changing bedding,laundry and ironing and help with household errands. They would love someone happy to cook for the family as well but this isn't essential.


Start date: January

Location: Elstree

Days: Tuesday - Saturday (2 babysitting during week ideally one a Saturday) (would consider Monday-Friday)

Hours:7.30am-7.30pm (2 hour break in day)

Salary: £450

Desirable: Driver but not essential

Applying for this vacancy you must have at least 4 years of experience in similar role in the UK and checkable references.


+44 (0)207 8 245 225


United Kingdom

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Ad Type
Job offer
Domestic Staff
Date added
Sunday, 17 December 2017
7 years 2 months ago
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