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04 October 2016

How can diagnose that there is a breakage in your washing machine? Usually in this case there are following evidences:

Washing machine is not started –it simply doesn’t show signs of “life”;

Water is not warmed up; the laundry is done in cold water;

Washing machine doesn’t run the command when you press particular button;

One of the cycles of washing is not performed: rinse cycle, wringing, drying;

The washing machine produces unusual sounds, for example, rattles noisily;

It leaks; it’s not possible to close or open the door.

In fact, there may be many more evidences, and if there is something what is bothering you, don’t delay calling a serviceman. Trying to solve the problem by yourself is not a good idea; it can be dangerous not only for domestic appliance, but also for your health.

The only thing you should do is to turn off the washing machine, disconnect it from the electricity and give some rest. Carefully disconnect the hose, drain the water and examine if there are any foreign objects in it. Then try to run the washing machine again, but choose another mode. If this this procedure didn’t help, you should call a serviceman.

It’s absolutely forbidden try to open the door by the strong arm or try to examine it when it is connected to electricity. You also should not strike or knock it, even if you are very disappointed.

Repair of household appliances in London is very popular today; there are a lot of companies which can offer this service. You can call in a serviceman by the phone or through the Internet; the most important thing is to describe your problem.

The breakage of refrigerator: the most common fouling.
You should call in a serviceman not only when your refrigerator stops function, but also when it doesn’t function normally. For example, when the snow coating in the freeze grows quickly, there is a problem with the door adjoining. If the food in the refrigerator has bad smell and off-flavor taste, there is a problem with heat insulation. Andalsotherearesomeproblems if the refrigerator functions very loud.

So what are the most common complaints of the customers of companies, repairing domestic appliances?

The refrigerator stops freezing;

The appliance is off spontaneously after it was switched on;

Back wall of the refrigerator becomes overgrown with snow coating;

Motor driven air compressor is broken;

Cover electrocutes the customer;

Products are being frozen too fast;

There is water at the bottom of refrigerator;

No lighting.

Ofcoursetherearemuchmorefouling. Most of them are coming from misuse failure, but also it may be equipment wear.

If the problem has appeared, it should be solved by competent serviceman. You should plug off the refrigerator, defreeze and carefully wash it (do not scrape it with a knife!) and leave it with the open door till professional comes. And you should also call in a serviceman.


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