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Health and Beauty
07 June 2021

Healthcare Services

Private GP and Medical Services - Providing comprehensive advice, treatment and care



Chelsea Medics are an approved Government provider of the Test to Release scheme to reduce the self-isolation period after international travel. We also offer a comprehensive range of COVID-19 services including validated and reliable Antigen & Antibody Tests, Return to Work Services, COVID-19 Certificate for International Travel or a Post-COVID Check-Up.



We offer COVID-19 PCR Swab Testing to determine whether you may or may not currently have Sars Cov-2- COVID-19. If you have no symptoms we carry this out in our clinic. If you have symptoms, this can be done at home. The swab is sent to a validated UK laboratory for testing. Once the results are in, one of our Doctors will be in touch to discuss the results with you.

Your PCR swab test result will allow you to make informed decisions about self-isolating to protect your family, colleagues and others from the COVID virus. If you think you may have had COVID-19 in the past, then our antibody test may give you a more useful result.


PCR swab results are typically available within 24 hours, but this depends on the demands on the laboratory that day and can take up to 72 hours.



Choosing the most accurate, reliable test for our patients has been our priority, so we’re delighted to announce that we are now offering the Quantitative antibody test which detects your IgG and IgM antibodies.. This laboratory-based antibody test is proven to be 99% accurate and approved for use by Public Health England. This test helps detect the IgG antibody to SARS-CoV-2 and can determine if you have antibodies as a result of having had the virus.

Producing antibodies after an infection takes time, so the test is best taken 14 to 21 days after you start experiencing symptoms. The test is carried out in clinic, where we will take a blood sample from the arm which will then be sent to our laboratory to be tested in a controlled, sterile environment.



We now deliver medication from our pharmacy directly to our patients’ homes or places of work, meaning patients are able to avoid unnecessary visits to the clinic. This is particularly important for those who are shielding.

A new prescription can be organised by arranging a virtual consultation with one of our GPs to discuss your concerns and receive a diagnosis.

We can then either send you your prescription or have your medication delivered to your door.



If you are unable to attend the clinic, most blood tests can be arranged at home by Chelsea Medics for your convenience. A phlebotomist will arrive at your home by appointment on a day and time to suit you. They will draw blood samples that will immediately be sent to our partner laboratory for analysis.

We can also do at-home PCR Swab Tests for COVID infections. Our courier brings the test to your home and waits while you do the swab. It is then taken immediately to the lab for testing. This can be organised on the same day and results are available within 48 hours.



Our practice can offer a wide range of COVID services for both employers and employees. This includes testing for both the virus and antibodies as we return to a more normal working environment, guidance on the latest medical updates and advice on social distancing in the workplace. Consultations with our Doctors can be via video, telephone or face-to-face in the clinic.



Restrictions on international travel are gradually being lifted, but many countries require a medical certificate showing a negative COVID 19 test result, either to enter the country or to avoid the need to quarantine for a specified isolation period. Please check the requirements specific for your destination, particularly in relation to how soon before departure the test must be taken. Our turnaround on a COVID 19 test result and Fitness for Travel certificate is within 72 hours (Monday to Friday).


Address: 102 Sydney Street, Chelsea, SW3 6NJ

Telephone: 0203 9555 444

Clinic Hours:

Mon – Fri (Excluding public holidays)

8.30am – 6pm

After Hours: 0344 257 9510

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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