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Cosmetic Surgery for Men

Are you frustrated by the effects of ageing and only too aware of the change in the appearance of a once smooth forehead that now appears wrinkled and furrowed? If your eyelids are being hidden or possibly your vision is being impaired by a droopy brow, then perhaps it is time to consider brow lift surgery.

At Wentworth Clinic, our men’s brow lift surgery, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure that is performed at either of our Bournemouth or London clinics.


Benefits of men’s brow lift surgery

Correct drooping brows

Improve the hooding of the eyelids

Minimise horizontal lines and furrow

Provide a more youthful look


Combination surgical procedures to achieve effective results

During your consultation appointment, your surgeon will examine you, and advise on the most appropriate brow lifttreatment to achieve the results you desire. We often combine our men’s brow lift procedure with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) to ensure the most beneficial outcome.


Men’s surgical brow lift procedures

This procedure will lift and smooth the skin between the eyebrows and the hairline, repositioning the brow and providing a more youthful appearance.

We offer three different approaches to brow lift surgery, these are:

An open procedure

Keyhole surgery

And, for modified brow lift we combine keyhole technique with limited scalp excision


Further information relating to brow lift surgery for men is available below. If you would like to arrange for a private consultation with our surgeon then please either complete our online booking form or call the clinic to make arrangements.


Pre Treatment Instructions - Brow Lift

It is advisable to take Arnica tablets at the recommended dosage for 1 week prior to surgery.

Medical advice will be provided according to any medication you are taking.

If your hair is short, it is better to grow it so that the surgical scars are not easily visible during the healing period.


Post Treatment Care - Brow Lift

The following are our recommendations and advice immediately following brow lift and forehead lift surgery.



Rest quietly in bed with head raised on 2 to 3 pillows.

Do not sleep on your sides or stomach for 4 to 6 weeks.


Bruising & Swelling

You will have a dressing on your head.

Your vision is likely to be blurred (for eyelid and brow surgery) because of an ophthalmic ointment in the eyes and swelling from the surgery.

Stay in the company of a responsible adult.

Bruising and swelling usually comes down into the upper eyelids leaving the forehead free of any bruising.

The amount of swelling will vary from patient to patient.

It is often worse the second day after surgery, so do not panic for the majority of the swelling will quickly disappear in the first week.

Obvious bruises and much of the swelling subside in 2 to 3 weeks generally. Your result is best at 6 to 8 weeks but you can usually return to work in 2 to 3 weeks.

After eyelid and facial surgery, it is not uncommon for the eyelids to become swollen. Continue applying ice packs periodically to the eyes and face for 48 hours.

Soreness and headaches are normal for 1 to 2 weeks. Pain is unusual and should not persist for longer than 1 to 2 weeks and if it does, pain killers should be prescribed.


Pain & Medication

For pain take the prescribed analgesics regularly

DO NOT drink alcohol, drive or operate machinery after your anaesthetic or whilst on medications for pain.

DO NOT make any legal decisions while under the influence of medications or immediately after surgery.

DO NOT take Aspirin, Vitamin E or any medication containing Aspirin for at least 2 weeks after surgery.



A light diet is best, not too rich on the night after surgery to avoid any vomiting.

No chewing of hard or tough foods for the first week after surgery.

You are to stay on a light diet. Failure to follow this rule may cause severe swelling, haematoma (collection of blood under the skin) and /or breakage of the deep stitches of the face.

No smoking for at least 2 weeks after surgery to avoid coughing.



During the first 48 hours, bed rest is recommended and is the most convenient position to apply ice compresses.

During the first 5 days after your surgery, it is important not to engage in any activity which will elevate your blood pressure and swelling and possibly produce bruising under the skin and may cause bleeding.

During the first 5 days, you should restrict your normal activities, no housework, no physical labour.

No heavy exercise of any kind for 6 weeks.

After a week, walking, leg exercises and light leg weights or riding an exercise bike only may be resumed. You may resume aerobic activity, swimming, jogging, weights after 6 weeks.

Do not gain or lose more than 5 pounds of possible or your result could be adversely affected.

If this is essential, lose weight before surgery.

No flying for 2 weeks unless advised by your doctor.


Personal Hygiene

Try not to get hair wet until you have had stitches/clips removed, your surgeon will advise you on this.


Wound Care

Gently cleanse your eyes with normal saline only using gauze or cotton balls.

Only apply eye drops or eye ointment to your eyes if prescribed by your doctor.

Sutures and staples will be removed in 10 to 14 days.


Hair & Eyeware

Do not colour your hair until your doctor gives you permission (usually 4 to 6 weeks).

Do not use hairdryers for 3 weeks until staples have been removed.

Do not use contact lenses for 3 weeks if you have had eye surgery with your browlift.


A week to a few months following surgery

You will experience numbness or itching in the frontal scalp which is only temporary.

Occasionally numbness has been reported to be permanent, but rare (approximately 1 % of patients).

Expect to feel tired for 7 to 10 days after surgery. It is therefore advisable to get adequate rest.

Intermittent blurring of vision and other minor discomfort may occur during the first month.

Numbness in various areas of the face, neck, ears etc is common and may persist for weeks, months even up to a year but almost always subsides. With the passing of each week, symptoms improve.

Do not lie directly on the face or side for one month otherwise swelling will persist longer.

The face and neck may feel rigid or tight during this time, this will ease with the course of time.

Avoid sun exposure on incision lines for 2 months as it causes swelling and redness.

After this use sun blocks (factor 15+) and sunglasses.

Expect not to look your best for 1 to 2 months following surgery.


You can expect:

Moderate discomfort

Moderate swelling

Black and blue discolouration (bruising)

Blood shot eyes

Slight signs of blood on bandages


Bournemouth Clinic

1 Fishermans Avenue,

Southbourne, Bournemouth,

Dorset BH6 3SQ.

Tel: 01202 422171


London Clinic

Harley Street Clinic,

16 Devonshire Street,

London W1G 7AF

Tel: 0203 417 3891

United Kingdom

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Tipo annuncio
Ricerca di lavoro
Health and Beauty Services
Data di inserimento
Giovedì, 04 Ottobre 2018
6 anni 4 mesi fa
Pubblica nuovo annuncio