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Eyebrow Tattooing in London
Of all the procedures available at my London based clinic, micropigmentation eyebrow tattoos are the single most popular procedure. Why? Because the right shaped eyebrows can be an incredible beauty asset. The right shaped brows can balance the rest of the face highlighting your best features and downplaying any flaws.

Apart from the choice of technique when performing semi permanent eyebrow tattooing, such as hair stroke or powdered, the shape of the brow is very important, for example, having a round brow on a round face will just make the face appear even rounder, an angled brow would be better, or an angled brow with a high arch on a long face will make the face appear much longer; a flatter shape would be much more desirable.


What To Expect

Before any eyebrow tattooing is undertaken, a full consultation is given to discuss the preferred style, shape and colour. The shape of the brow is then drawn on and tweaked until the client is a 100% happy to proceed.

The right colour for the eyebrow tattoo is also very important – it’s not just a question of black or brown, I have several shades of brown from ash to reds; I also have a choice of blacks from soft to hard.  But it’s not just about the colour of the pigments I use, skin colour and tone is also taken into the consideration.  It’s no good putting a light brow on a dark skin, as it just won’t show; it needs to be a stronger dark brown to black.

Attention also needs to be paid to lighter skin colours as 80% of clients have a blue undertone, so care needs to be taken to ensure the colour used isn’t too cool otherwise the eyebrow tattoo can end up with a blueish tinge. Colours are tested on the skin above the brow in order to ascertain which is the best colour for the skin along with the preferred colour choice of the client; again no tattooing is done until the client is a 100% happy with the choice of colour.

Once the client is happy to go ahead, I will use a topical numbing cream, once the skin blanches (lightens) this indicates that the client is numb, I also use what’s called a secondary anesthetic to keep the client numb during the whole procedure. The client will be kept informed during the procedure and near to the end will be shown the eyebrows in order for any adjustments to be made if needed.

Once the client is delighted with their new eyebrows they will be given an aftercare sheet and a top up appointment for 4 to 6 weeks later, once the eyebrows have totally healed.  The second appointment is to go over any areas that may have faded slightly during the healing process; this also strengthens the pigment colour and helps it last longer before needing future top up appointments. With the quality pigments I use and good aftercare it could be years rather than months before a top up is needed.


London Clinic:

Designer Permanent Makeup

5 Upper Wimpole Street (Ground Floor)



07714 796044

United Kingdom

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Health and Beauty Services
Date added
Thursday, 08 August 2019
5 years 7 months ago
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