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I’m a young and dynamic single mother with a baby of about 10 months. I speak English, Spanish and Portuguese. I have a double degree in Economics/Biology. I have several interests, including music and dance. Because I would like to see my child growing up during her first years, I left my work, in financial markets/development. I am looking for a house to stay in London, since I would like my child to learn English like a native speaker and to absorb UK culture. As someone who really likes children, I want to add another child/baby/toddler to the repertoire. Living in the house, with my baby, would be required. My hours are flexible, I could do part-time or full-time during the week, and also some weekends and babysitting hours after time if needed. I just need a few hours per week for myself. Price is 9£/hour, or 350£/week, negotiable hours.

Moving into the house with my own baby, I intend to become part of the house and dedicate the same attention and care to your child as to my own. If your child is also a baby/toddler, it could be a perfect match, it would be fun to have two young children of about the same age growing up and playing with each other. My experience includes basically everything a child of that age needs, regular nursery duties, daily trips to parks, preparing meals, etc. Rather than using children daycare services, if you have a spare room and you would like to have a nanny in the house all day with your child, someone who is caring, engaging and active with little children, this could suit your needs. If the house has pets, taking care of them would also be added.

I hope this will be a fun journey for me and my little one and for the adorable family who will host us!

Lara Queiroz
United Kingdom

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Ad Type
Job search
Domestic Staff
Date added
Sunday, 03 January 2021
4 years 2 months ago
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