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06 August 2021

Covid-19, travellers

Covid-19 measures in Italy have changed. We are updating information.


Entry from the countries of the European Union and the Schengen Area: EU Digital COVID Certificate

The EU Digital COVID Certificate facilitates safe free movement of citizens in the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To entry into Italy, travellers from Eu Member States and the Schengen Area (List C) are required to present the Eu Digital COVID Certificate showing that:

- you have completed the prescribed anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination cycle at least 14 days ago,


- you have recovered from COVID-19 (the certificate of recovery is valid for 180 days from the date of the first positive swab),


- you have taken a negative molecular or antigen swab test in the 48 hours prior to entering Italy.


List C

Covid-19 measures in Italy have changed. We are updating information.


Austria,  Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Reunion, Mayotte and excluding other territories outside the European mainland), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands (excluding territories outside the European mainland), Poland, Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Principality of Monaco.

Specific rules have been adopted for those who have stayed or transited in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. See the section on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Entry Restrictions

Under Italian law, travel to/from these countries is permitted without the need for a specific reason.

Restrictions apply in case of transit or stay in List D and/or List E countries during the 14 days prior to entry into Italy.



The legislation provides that, upon re-entry into Italy, those who have stayed or transited in the fourteen days preceding entry into Italy in one or more of the countries and territories referred to in List C of Annex 20 (excluding the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), are required to:

- present the COVID-19 Green Certificate issued in accordance with Decree-Law No. 52 of 22 April 2021 and EU Regulations 2021/953 and 2021/954 (EU Digital Covid Certificate Regulations) certifying one of the following conditions:

- that you have completed the prescribed anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination cycle at least 14 days ago


- that you have recovered from COVID-19 (the certificate of recovery is valid for 180 days from the date of the first positive swab)


- that you have taken a negative molecular or antigen swab test in the 48 hours prior to entering Italy.

Children under 6 years of age are exempt from the pre-departure swab test.

- fill in the Digital Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy. The form replaces the self-declaration made to the transport operator.

The certification of successful completion of the vaccination cycle must relate to one of the four vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency:

- Comirnaty from Pfizer-BioNtech

- Moderna

- Vaxzevria

- Jansen (Johnson & Johnson)

Certificates must be submitted in one of the following languages: Italian, English, French or Spanish.



Provided that no COVID-19 symptoms occur, specific exemptions are foreseen:

- The obligation to swab 48 hours prior to departure does not apply in the cases provided for in Art. 51 para. 7) letters a), b), c), f), g), l), n), m), o), which can be found in the section Exemptions


List D

Covid-19 measures in Italy have changed. We are updating information.


Australia, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Canada and the United States of America, as well as additional countries and territories at low epidemiological risk, to be identified by order, from among those on List E.

Specific rules have been adopted for entry from Japan, Canada and the United States of America. See the section on Japan, Canada and the United States of America.


Entry restrictions

There are no restrictions on entry from these countries, subject to any provisions adopted regionally.

N.B. There are restrictions on entry into Italy in case of transit or stay in List E countries during the 14 days prior to entry into Italy.

Requirements for entry into Italy

Anyone who has been to or transited through one of the countries on List D in the 14 days preceding entry into Italy must comply with the following obligations:

- take a negative molecular or antigen swab test in the 72 hours to entering Italy with a negative result

- fill in the Digital Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy. The form replaces the self-declaration made to the transport operator.

- inform the local health authority immediately of your arrival in Italy.

See: COVID-19 Regional toll-free numbers and information

- travel to your final destination in Italy by private transport only

- undergo self-isolation and health surveillance for 10 days

- take an additional molecular or antigen swab test at the end of the 10-day isolation period


The obligations provided for and described in the paragraph "Requirements for entry into Italy" may be waived in part or in full, depending on the case.

See the Exemptions section for more information.


List E

Covid-19 measures in Italy have changed. We are updating information.


All States and territories not specifically mentioned in other lists.

Specific rules have been adopted for some countries.

See dedicated sessions:

- Brazil

- India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka


Travel to/from the rest of the world is only allowed for specific reasons, such as:

- work

- health reasons

- study reasons

- absolute urgency

- return to one's domicile, home, or residence.

Travelling for tourism is therefore not permitted.

The re-entry/entry into Italy, in case of stay/transit in the previous 14 days from this group of countries, is always allowed to Italian/EU/Schengen citizens and their family members, as well as to holders of long-term resident status and their family members (Directive 2004/38/EC). It is also confirmed the possibility of entry into Italy, from List E countries, for persons who have a proven and stable emotional relationship (even if not cohabiting) with Italian/EU/Schengen citizens or natural persons who are legally resident in Italy (long-term residents), who need to reach their partner's home/domicile/residence (in Italy).


When returning to Italy, if you have stayed in/transited through these countries in the previous 14 days, you must:

- undergo a molecular or antigenic swab carried out within 72 hours prior to entry into Italy and the result of which is negative

- complete the digital Passenger Locator Form, which replaces the previous self-declaration

- undergo fiduciary isolation and health surveillance for 10 days. This provision applies only to entries into Italy after the entry into force of the Ordinance of April 16, 2021.

- undergo an additional molecular or antigenic swab at the end of the 10-day isolation period. Those who entered Italy before April 18, 2021 must complete the 14-day isolation period and do not need to undergo any further testing.

- reach their final destination in Italy only by private transport

- notify the prevention department of the health authority responsible for the area of your entry (See page: COVID-19 Freephone numbers and regional information


Provided that no COVID-19 symptoms occur, specific exemptions are foreseen:

- The obligation to swab 48 hours prior to departure does not apply in the cases provided for in Art. 51 para. 7) letters a), b), c), f), g), l), m), n), o), which can be found in the section Exemptions

- the obligations of fiduciary isolation, health surveillance and swab test on day 5 do not apply in the cases provided for in Article 51, paragraph 7, of the Decree-Dpcm of 2 March 2021, which can be consulted in the Exemptions section.


Japan, Canada, the United States of America and Israel

By the ordinance of 18 June 2021, the entry from Israel and from Japan, Canada and the United States of America to Italy, it's possibile showing a COVID-19 green certificate. See the relevant sections for the procedure: List C (Israel) and Japan, Canada and the United States of America.


Japan, Canada and the United States of America

Covid-19 measures in Italy have changed. We are updating information.

Under Italian law, travel to and from these countries is permitted without the need for a specific reason (subject to the limitations set out in Italy at regional level).


The legislation provides that, upon re-entry into Italy, those who have stayed or transited in the fourteen days preceding entry into Italy in Canada, Japan and the United States of America, are required to:

- present the COVID-19 Green Certificate issued in accordance with Decree-Law No. 52 of 22 April 2021 and EU Regulations 2021/953 and 2021/954 (EU Digital Covid Certificate Regulations) certifying one of the following conditions:

- that you have completed the prescribed anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination cycle at least 14 days ago


- that you have recovered from COVID-19 (the certificate of recovery is valid for 180 days from the date of the first positive swab)


- that you have taken a negative molecular or antigen swab test in the 48 hours prior to entering Italy. Children under 6 years of age are exempt from the pre-departure swab test.

- fill in the Digital Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy. The form replaces the self-declaration made to the transport operator.

The certification of successful completion of the vaccination cycle must relate to one of the four vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency: Comirnaty from Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna, Vaxzevria, Jansen (Johnson & Johnson).

Certificates must be submitted in one of the following languages: Italian, English, French or Spanish.


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

For those arriving from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a 5-day quarantine with mandatory swab testing was introduced by ordinance of 18 June 2021.

India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

The new ordinance extended to 30 July 2021 the measures in force for entry to Italy for people coming from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, or who have been in the countries in the preceding fourteen days. Go to the section on India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka).


India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

Covid-19 measures in Italy have changed. We are updating information.


Entry to Italy is prohibited for people coming from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka or who have stayed in the countries in the preceding fourteen days, with the exception:

- of Italian citizens registered as residents in Italy since before April 29, 2021 and who do not display any symptoms of COVID-19 (by means of self-declaration, without the need for authorisation from the Ministry of Health)

- of Italian citizens registered on the Registry of Italians Resident Abroad (AIRE) (by means of self-declaration, without the need for authorisation from the Ministry of Health.)

People may also enter/re-enter Italy from these countries subject to express authorization from the Ministry of Health in the following cases:

- for humanitarian or health reasons that cannot be deferred, (subject to authorisation by the Ministry of Health)

- and the persons referred to in Art. 51, paragraph, 7 letter n) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 2 March 2021 subject to authorisation by the Ministry of Health

Entry to Italy, from India, Bangladesh e Sri Lanka in all cases must be undertaken in strict compliance with the following procedure:

- compulsory presentation of a certificate of negative molecular or antigen test performed in the 72 hours prior to entry;

- compulsory molecular or antigen test upon arrival at the airport;

- compulsory isolation, regardless of the test result, at a COVID Hotel or other place indicated by the health authority or civil protection for a period of ten days;

- compulsory molecular or antigen test at the end of the quarantine period.


Crew and travelling personnel

The above procedure does not apply to crew who must, however, in any case, provided that they have no symptoms of COVID-19:

- have a swab test upon arrival at the airport, port or border location, or, where this is not possible, within forty-eight hours of entering Italian territory at their local health clinic.

- self-isolate until returning to base in the places indicated by the health authority or civil protection.

For seafarers, the provisions of Annex 28 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 2 March 2021 also remain in force, containing the “Protocol for reaching a ship for embarkation, for going off duty and for leaving a ship for repatriation.”


How to apply for authorisation from the Ministry of Health

- Due to the large number of requests received, it is necessary, in order to be able to grant authorisation within the established timeframe, to forward the request at least 7 working days before the foreseen date of entry in Italy to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- please state in the subject line of the email your expected date of arrival in Italy

In addition, please attach the following documents in a single pdf document:

- travel itinerary (copy of your flight ticket or tickets for other means of transport used)

- identity documents

- any other document proving the humanitarian or health reason for which authorisation is requested. NB: in the case of attached medical certificates, the doctor who produced the certificate will be contacted by the competent health authority for the appropriate checks

Please also note that:

- the exemption is only valid for the stated reason of necessity

- please do not submit requests for entry into Italy after the date on which the current Ordinance is due to take effect

- further documentation may be requested in order to assess the issue of the authorisation

- given the significant workload, in the event of documents that are not sent in compliance with the procedure described, the request shall not be processed

All documents must be submitted in pdf format only and sent in a single file (any documents submitted in other formats will make requests not valid).


Browse lists of information for travelling to and from abroad:

List A - Vatican City and Republic of San Marino

List B - The States and territories with low epidemiological risk will be identified, among those in List C, by the Ordinance. At present, no state is included on this list.

List C - Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Reunion, Mayotte and excluding other territories outside the European mainland), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands (excluding territories outside the European mainland), Poland, Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Principality of Monaco.

List D - Australia, New Zealand, Rwanda, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Canada and United States and the States and territories with low epidemiological risk will be identified, among those in List E, by the Ordinance adopted pursuant to article 6, subparagraph 2. Special rules applying to those who have stayed or transited in: Japan, Canada and United States of America

List E - Rest of the world - (all States and Territories not specifically referred to in any other list). Special rules applying to those who have stayed or transited in:

- Brasil

- India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka


"Covid-tested" Flights - Passenger Locator Form

Covid-tested flights are flights that have been authorised by the Ministry of Health by means of a special ordinance.

To learn more about the requirements and the compulsory procedure go to the dedicated section: Covid-tested flights

What are "Covid-tested" flights?

Covid-tested flights are flights that have been authorised by the Ministry of Health by means of a special ordinance.


Passengers on "Covid-tested" flights are required to:

- hand in to the carrier and to whoever is in charge of carrying out the controls, upon boarding, a certification attesting to the negative result of the molecular test (RT PCR) or antigenic test, carried out by means of a swab, no later than 48 hours prior to boarding

- complete the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) - digital dPLF to be shown before boarding. See the dedicated section How to fill out the Passenger Locator Form

- take another molecular (RT PCR) or antigen swab test upon arrival at the destination airport.

Passengers on these flights, following the above-mentioned protocol, are authorised to enter and transit into the Italian national territory, without having to comply with the obligations of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation.

Failure to comply with only one of the above-mentioned requirements will result in the lapse of the exemption from the obligations of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation.


Authorised Flight Routes

After an initial experimental phase the Prime Minister's Decree of March 2, 2021, art. 54 paragraph 3, allowed the extension of the flights subject to "Covid-tested" experimentation.

Therefore, as of today, it is possible for airlines to operate "Covid-tested" flights on the following routes:

- Atlanta - Rome Fiumicino

- New York - Rome Fiumicino

- Atlanta - Milan Malpensa

- New York - Milan Malpensa

By order of 14 May 2021, at Fiumicino and Malpensa Airports, ‘Covid-tested’ flights are also operational from:

- Canada

- Japan

- United Arab Emirates

The same ordinance also allowed trials of ‘Covid-tested’ flights to Naples ‘Capodichino’ Airport and Venice ‘Marco Polo’ Airport.

Special passenger requirements.

Passengers on flights arriving from international airports from the following countries:

- Canada

- Japan

- United States of America (Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York - John F. Kennedy and Newark Liberty, Philadelphia, Washington DC)

- United Arab Emirates

must also take a molecular (RT PCR) or antigen swab test upon arrival at the following Italian international airports:

- Fiumicino

- Milan Malpensa

- Naples Capodichino

- Venice Marco Polo

The trials of ‘Covid-tested’ flights established by the Ordinances of 23 November 2020, 9 March 2021 and 14 May,2021have been extended to 30 October 2021, without prejudice to possible further extensions.

For further information on the actual operation of "Covid-tested" flights on the routes for which the trial is underway, please contact the airlines directly.

In the event of denied boarding on a "Covid-tested" flight, due to a positive result to COVID-19, the air carrier will refund the ticket or issue a voucher of equal amount at the passenger's request, within fourteen days from the date of withdrawal. The ticket will be valid for eighteen months from issue.


How to fill out the Passenger Locator Form - dPLF

As of March 23, 2021, all passengers wishing to enter Italy via "Covid-tested" flights will be required to complete the PLF, prior to entering the country, following the instructions below:

- follow the guided procedure to access the dPLF

- select Italy as destination country

- register on the website by creating a personal account with username and password (it is necessary to do this only the first time)

- fill out and send the dPLF following the guided procedure

Once the form has been sent, the passenger will receive at the e-mail address provided during registration, the dPLF in pdf and QRcode format that he/she will have to show directly from his/her smartphone during boarding. Alternatively, the passenger can print a copy of the dPLF to show at boarding.

The dPLF must be sent before boarding. However, the field relating to the seat number assigned on the flight can always be modified.

Only one dPLF needs to be completed per household.


What is the Passenger Locator Form (PLF)?

The Passenger Locator Form (also known as the Passenger Locator Card) is a form used to collect information on the travel itinerary to allow the relevant Health Authority to promptly contact the passenger if he or she is exposed to a contagious diffusive disease during air travel.

The PLF is an important public health tool useful for contact tracing on board of all means of transport that follow international routes and allows for the rapid implementation of the health measures necessary to protect the individual and the community.


Compliance by the carrier

- It is the responsibility of the carrier to check that the dPLF has been completed before allowing the passenger to board.

- It is the carrier's responsibility to inform the passenger of the need to complete the dPLF before boarding, by sending the link by email a few days before boarding.


Domestic flights

You do not need a Digital COVID Certificate for domestic flights between regions in white or yellow zones (i.e. low risk). Airline companies may require you to have a Digital COVID Certificate, to be shown when boarding, if you are travelling between or to higher risk regions (orange and red zones). Find out about the situation in Italy.


Useful numbers from the Ministry of Health

From Italy: 1500 National information line

From abroad: +39 0232008345 +39 0283905385 

Covid-19 Regional telephone information hotlines


For further information please refer to:

Covid-19 Situation in Italy

Information Line 1500

Focus Italian nationals returning to Italy and foreigners in Italy - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

the website: (Safe Travels)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation What are you interested in?

Select your destination at:

Eu digital Covid-19 certificate


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