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22 October 2015

Potentialities of higher education in Great Britain


- English education automatically gives a right to a person to be reckoned in world business elite and open up a full range of carrier opportunities.

- Inhabitancy in one of the most favorable for immigration countries (stable economy, immigration programs, high living standard and so on).

- The opportunity to enjoy all social benefits and tax credits, to travel to a lot of countries of the world without visa.

- Members of the student’s family also have a right to stay in the country.

- The opportunity to work during holidays.

- The opportunity to renew the visa or to change it to a working visa, not leaving the country.

- The opportunity to receive Permanent Resident Card or citizenship.


Special aspects of educational system in Great Britain

- Education in Great Britain is paid.

- The Government constantly steps up demands to applicants, who want to receive student visa.

- High standard of knowledge of language.

- Department of Education of Great Britain has limited the number of educational institutions, which have a right to accept foreign students.


If you attend classes lower than first degree (lower than the level of bachelor), for example, in college or preparation course in university, you have a right to work 10 hours per week.

If you study at the primary level (language courses, exam preparation and so on, and you are not admitted to a degree after graduation), you and your family don’t have a right to work.


Future students need:

- Existence of highschool diploma (11 forms) or substitutive document and also at least one year of university.

- Knowledge of English has to be at level not lower than GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) – General Certificate of Education, which is given when you graduate from school in Great Britain. This level roughly corresponds to IELTS 4.0 or Intermediate.

- If future student wants to enter the university after graduation from school, he must take one year pre-study course in Great Britain (the cost is around - €5000).

If you enter pre-study course, requirements for English are lower than if you enter the university, so you can improve your language during this year.

- A form and other required by the university documents.

- If you want to hold a studentship in Medicine, Art or other popular faculties, you may need to pass the exam in order to enter this faculty.



You have to start to prepare your documents as early as possible. The sooner you receive an invitation from the University, the more time you have for search of housing, scholarship and so on. There’s no point in filing an application without invitation from the university.


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