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Health and Beauty
21 August 2021

कैंसर का इलाज

क्या कैंसर का इलाज कैंसर से भी बदतर है?


कैंसर को बहुत से लोगों ने बहुत भयावह बना दिया गया है, खासकर फिल्मशो के दौरान सरकार द्वारा अनिवार्य रूप से दिखाए जाने वाले विज्ञापनों का इसमें अहम रोल है। इसका मतलब ये नहीं है कि ये एक खतरनाक बीमारी नहीं है, लेकिन उस समय से, जब उन विज्ञापनो का निर्माण नहीं हुआ है, तब से आज तक उपचार के तकनीक में बहुत विकास हो चूका है। इस दृष्टि से वे विज्ञापन सही तस्वीर नहीं दिखाते। कैंसर के इलाज से संबंधित नए तकनीकों ने न केवल इलाज की सफलता दर को बढ़ाया है बल्कि चिकित्सा सत्रों के दौरान और बाद में व्यक्ति के जीवन की गुणवत्ता में भी सुधार हुआ है।

क्या बदल गया?

अगर मैं गलत नहीं हूँ तो आप अभी भी यही सोचते होंगे कि के होंगे कि कैंसर के उपचार के तीन हीं तरीकें है। जैसे –

- कीमोथेरेपी

- रेडियोथेरेपी

- सर्जरी

ऐसा बहुत कुछ है जो तब से किया जा रहा है और आज एक हद तक अकल्पनीय है।

केमो आईडी – यह थेरेपी इस तथ्य पर आधारित है कि हर रोगी अलग है इसलिए उनका कैंसर भी। उनके ट्यूमर के टिश्यू का एक छोटा सा नमूना परीक्षण के लिए लिया जाता है और इनके विकास परीक्षण किया जाता है आगे इन्हीं को स्टेम सेल के लिए भी उपयोग करते हैं। इसके बाद केमो ड्रग्स बढियाँ रिजल्ट सुनिश्चित करने के लिए इसका टिश्यू पर परीक्षण करते हैं। फिर यही दवा रोगी को दिया जाता है। थेरेपी का सबसे अच्छा बात है –

- हिट और ट्रेल्स से रोगी को बचाते हैं

- हिट और ट्रेल्स में बड़ी मात्रा में दवाओं पर पैसा बचाता है

- हिट और ट्रेल को नियंत्रित करने में शामिल पीड़ित बच जाते हैं

- विशिष्ट वांछित परिणाम (Specific Desired Results)

- मरीज और डॉक्टरों दोनों का समय बचता है


रेडिएशन थेरेपी में परिवर्तन – पहले यह माना जाता था कि रेडिएशन थेरेपी कैंसर टिश्यू के साथ साथ नार्मल टिश्यू को भी प्रभावित करती है। तकनीकी प्रगति ने इस परिदृश्य को बदल दिया है जिसे ‘पिन पॉइंट प्रीसिश़न’ कहते हैं। यह तकनीक यह सुनिश्चित करती है कि क्षति केवल कैंसर वाले हिस्से तक ही सीमित रहे। मरीज को स्थिर सांचे में रखा जाता है, जबकि लीनियर ऐक्सेलरैटर जैसे उपकरण से रोगियों के कैंसर वाले टिश्यू पर एक्स-रे के माध्यम से पॉइंटेड रेडिएशन देते हैं।


1. IMRT या इंटेंसिटी मॉड्यूलेटेड रेडिएशन थेरेपी नामक एक अन्य तकनीक भी उपलब्ध है, जहाँ कंप्यूटर नियंत्रित लीनियर ऐक्सेलरैट सटीक और उपयुक्तरेडिएशन रोगी के ट्यूमर पर डालते हैं। यह तकनीक न केवल कैंसरग्रस्त टिश्यू को लक्षित करती है बल्कि यह भी सुनिश्चित करती है कि आसपास के ऊतक अप्रभावित रहें। इसका उपयोग प्रोस्टेट, सिर और गर्दन और सिर और मस्तिष्क से संबंधित कैंसर के इलाज के लिए किया जाता है।

2. एक और तकनीक इमेज गाइडेड रेडिएशन थेरेपी या IMGT है। अंतर्निहित समस्या यह होता है कि ट्यूमर सेल्स मलिग्नैंट हो सकती हैं जो मूव कर सकती हैं और रूपांतरित हो सकती हैं। IMGT शरीर में कैंसर के आकार को पहचानता है और अगर वह मूव भी कर रहा है तो ये उसे पहचान लेता है। फिर ये उन पर अत्यंत स्टाकिता के साथ वार करता है जिससे पास के नॉर्मल टिश्यू को कोई छति ना पहुँचे। फेफड़ों, लिवर, प्रोस्टेट ग्रंथि आदि से संबंधित ट्यूमर में इसका सफलतापूर्वक उपयोग किया जा रहा है।

3. थ्री-डायमेंशनल कंफर्मेशन रेडिएशन थैरेपी में एक मशीन का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है जिसे वाइड-बोअर सीटी सिम्युलेटर कहा जाता है, जो कि ऑनकोरीडोलॉजी के लिए भी उपलब्ध है। यह डॉक्टरों को ट्यूमर और पास के टिश्यू का थ्री-डायमेंशनल मैप बनाने में मदद करता है।

4. एक अन्य तकनीक जिसे हाई-डोज़ रेट कहा जाता है ब्रेकीथेरेपी कैंसर सेल्स को रेडिएशन देने के लिए एक कैथेटर का उपयोग करती है, जिससे ट्यूमर को सीधे रेडिएशन दिया जा सके।

5. प्रिसिजन मेडिसिन – प्रिसिजन मेडिसिन किसी व्यक्ति के पर्यावरण, जीवनशैली और जेनेटिक मेकअप के आधार पर रोग का उपचार और रोक थाम का उपाय प्रदान करती है।

6. जीनोम सिक्वेंसिंग डीएनए म्यूटेशन को उजागर कर सकता है जो एक व्यक्ति के लिए असुरक्षित है। इस जानकारी का उपयोग कैंसर से होने वाले नुकसान को रोकने या कम करने के लिए एक रोकथाम प्रोटोकॉल या विशिष्ट उपचार योजना को डिजाइन करने के लिए किया जाता है।


अब न केवल उपचार के हिस्से को नया रूप दिया गया है बल्कि कैंसर प्रबंधन के सभी पहलुओं में नए प्रतिमान जोड़े गए हैं। पीईटी पर आधारित पहचान की  प्रक्रियाएं जो एक हीं इमेज में शरीर के सारे कैंसर सेल्स को दिखा सकती हैं। इसमें एक कलम के आकर के उपकरण का उपयोग करते हैं जो सभी कैंसर सेल्स  को  पूरे शरीर में रोशन करती हैं जिससे कैंसर सेल्स और नॉर्मल टिश्यू के बीच अंतर पता चल जाता है। मेरा मानना है अब बदले परिदृश्य में विज्ञापनों के उन भयानक छवियों के जगह लिखित निर्देश दिखाने चाहिए और कीमोथेरेपी लेते हुए मुस्कुराते हुए चेहरे दिखाए जाने चाहिए।



Is cancer treatment worse than cancer? No, neither cancer nor treatment of cancer is so bad as understood by a common man. Normally, cancer diagnosis gives a feeling of sadness, fear, panic, and distress. In some cases, it may disturb the normal life. Today, cancer is not a dreadful disease. It is just like another chronic disease like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Frequently asked a question to us whether cancer is curable or not. Our answer to everyone is yes, cancer is curable in the early stages. Technical advances enable access to various diagnostic tools like Sonography, Mammography, MRI, Endoscopy, Nuclear Medicine, Tumour Markers have facilitated early diagnosis. With the help of intervention radiology, one can aspirate tumour cell from deep-seated tumours for diagnosis. So,

- Giving away the fear of cancer

- Acceptability to consult a physician

- Will go a long way towards early diagnosis


Mainly three types of cancer treatments are available:

- Surgery

- Radiotherapy

- Chemotherapy – Immunotherapy is an emerging field for treatment


Surgery: There is fear among patients about the loss of organ and function after surgery. Today, surgery is very clean and precise with the availability of Electrocautery, Harmonic Scalpel, Cavitron Ultrasonic Suction Aspirator (CUSA). A shift has taken place from Total Ablative Surgery (Total removal of an organ) to Conservation Surgery (Preservation of organ) and organ reconstruction. Conservation and Reconstructive Surgery maintain near normal cosmesis and function.


Radiotherapy: Radiotherapy techniques have changed significantly over the past few decades. There is an improvement in engineering and computing.

- IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) – It optimizes the delivery of radiotherapy to irregularly shaped volumes of a tumour. It allows greater sparing of normal structures.

- IGRT (Image Guided Radiotherapy) – It is a useful tool that can detect and correct errors that occur during treatment deliveries.

- Stereotactic Radiotherapy enables the delivery of exquisitely conformed radiation in large fraction size, which enables improved tumour control while limiting the normal tissue toxicity.

- Charged particles, such as protons deposit little energy until they reach the end of their range at which point most of the energy is deposited in a small area. This has an advantage in terms of normal tissue sparing, better dose homogeneousity and low radiation to normal tissue.

- Chemotherapy: Standard intravenous chemotherapy targets (kill) rapidly dividing cells including cancer cells and certain normal tissue. Today, targeted therapies are now a component of treatment for many types of cancer – Breast, Lung, Large Intestines, Pancreas, Lymphoma, Leukemia, and Multiple Myeloma.

Targeted Therapies, which include monoclonal antibodies and small molecules inhibitors have changed the treatment of cancer. Targeted therapies are better tolerated than traditional chemotherapy. It leads to truly tailored therapy.

Other techniques for the treatment of cancer are hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and bone marrow transplantation. Today, a better understanding of tumour behaviour and the use of multimodality treatment helps to achieve cure with minimal morbidity and near-normal cosmesis and function. So, no one should be afraid of cancer. Neither cancer nor treatment of cancer is dreadful. We are nearly always in a win-win situation if cancer is diagnosed early. Therefore, don’t be afraid of cancer and consult a physician for regular check-up especially after the age of 40 years.




IMMUNOTHERAPY is a revolutionary cancer treatment with profound potential for the treatment of cancer. The cancer cells thrive in our bodies because they are able to hide from our immune system. Certain drugs such as immunotherapies can either mark cancer cells so that it is easier for the immune system to find and destroy them or boost our immune system to work better against cancer. Various types of immunotherapeutic options available are:


(a) Immune checkpoint inhibitors: These drugs basically take the ‘brakes’ off the immune system, thus making our immune cells capable enough to recognize and attack cancer cells. Ex. Nivolumumab, Pembrolizumab, Atezolizumab. They have been recently launched in India and are approved to be used for lung cancer, Hodgkins lymphoma, kidney cancer, head neck cancer, malignant melanoma (a type of skin cancer), liver cancer and urinary bladder cancers.


(b) Cancer vaccines: A vaccine exposes the immune system to an antigen. This triggers the immune system to recognize and destroy that antigen or related materials thus helping us to prevent or treat cancer. Ex. HPV vaccine can be used to prevent cervical, vaginal, vulvar or anal cancer in males and females.


(c) CAR T Cell Therapy: This therapy removes some of a person’s T cells (a type of immune cells) and alters them to make them better able to fight cancer. The altered T cells are then returned to the patient’s body to go to work. Some researchers have called these re-engineered cells “a living drug. CAR T cell therapy is yet unavailable in India.  The class of drugs belonging to CAR T cell got approval by USFDA for children and young adults with leukemia and high-grade lymphomas.


(d) Non-specific immunotherapies: These treatments boost the immune system in a general way, and help the immune system to attack cancer cells. Ex. Interleukins and Interferon’s to be used for kidney cancer or chronic myeloid leukemia.

Immunotherapy side effects can be different than those seen with chemotherapy or radiation. They are usually related to stimulation of the immune system and can range from minor “flu-like” symptoms like rash, itching, and fever, to major illnesses such as severe diarrhea, thyroid dysfunction, liver dysfunction, and breathing difficulty. Immunotherapy сan “train” the immune system to remember cancer cells and this “immune-memory” may result in long-lasting disease remissions that are maintained even after treatment is completed.

IMMUNOTHERAPY with and without chemotherapy in the coming years will be the backbone of treatment in various types of cancers.


At Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Gurugram we provide the most advanced medical expertise in an environment that focuses on strong ethics, compassion and concern for each and every individual patient. The center is known for its large team of experts of national repute from various specialties such as medical, radiation, surgical oncology, nuclear medicine, onco-pathology, and onco-radiology. The oncology team with the help of a comprehensive tumour board has the capability to integrate leading-edge research into a treatment plan tailored or personalized for an individual. The medical oncology team has vast experience in administering targeted therapy, immunotherapy, personalized cancer treatment, molecular oncology based protocols.




Pakistani Infant Undergoes Bone Marrow Transplant at NH Health City


When 11-month-old Zeenia from Pakistan started developing high persistent fever and problems with low blood counts she was initially placed on antibiotics and care. With no improvement in her health, she underwent further tests which revealed that she had Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH); a rare disorder where the bone marrow produces abnormal cells which eat away the normal marrow cells. This results in high fevers, low blood counts, and liver and spleen enlargement and potentially death. The only cure is a Bone Marrow transplant (BMT).

Her family who live in Sahiwal near Lahore initially tried a few hospitals in Lahore, Karachi, and Rawalpindi but found that they were wary of performing the procedure. Determined to find treatment for their child, they continued to search until they heard that NH Health City, Bangalore had extensive experience with Bone Marrow transplants; having performed over 650 of them successfully. When the family reached out, Narayana Health immediately took up to challenge and coordinated their journey to India.

When they arrived in Bangalore, Zeenia’s (who was now 2 years old) health had deteriorated because of the disorder and the strain of travel. The BMT team at NH led by Dr. Sunil Bhat (Senior Consultant and Head of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, and Bone Marrow Transplant) and Dr.Shobha (Paediatric Hemato Oncologist) initially stabilized her and then began preparing her for the transplant.

Since a BMT procedure requires a donor, her family was tested and fortunately, her 8-month-old brother Rayan was a perfect match, but his age meant that the process would be complicated;

Dr. Bhat explained “The case was very challenging from the donor’s perspective as the donor was just 8 months old. Typically, their bones are very soft and supple. Further, extracting the stipulated dosage may also be quite challenging. However, by using small marrow extraction needles and with the assistance of our able team of anesthetists and other team members, we successfully extracted enough marrow which helped to cure Zeenia. Rayan has not only saved his sister, he also has the unique distinction of being the youngest marrow donor in India”.

Despite the challenges, Zeenia’s transplant was a complete success and the family was ecstatic, the father Mr. Zia Ulla said, “Back home disorders like Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis are mired with misconceptions. There is a perception that it is not curable. In fact, we had given up hope.  Thankfully, we happened to hear about the bone marrow transplant unit at Narayana Health City. We are grateful to Dr. Sunil Bhat and the entire team for curing my daughter of this dreadful disease. Dr. Sunil Bhat is a very compassionate human being; He could understand our anxieties.  In fact, he was extremely patient with us, which was a great support for us to sail through during this testing phase of our life”.

Reflecting on the long history of Indo-Pak relations with respect to cross-border Healthcare, Dr. Sharat Damodar (Senior Consultant Hematologists and Clinical Director, Narayana Health City) noted that this was the second time that Narayana Health had treated a child from Pakistan, the first being 2-year-old Noor Fatima who was treated for her congenital heart disorder several years ago.




As more than 60% patient’s need radiotherapy treatments uring lifetime so it’s very crucial to have the availability of most advanced technologies to not just enable cure of patient’s but to enhance their quality of life as well. Truebeam STx technology is a perfect example of this approach.

TrueBeam STx is the most innovative thinking in Cancer Care. It’s a highly intelligent, intuitive and versatile technology which offers a range of capabilities that turn leading research into integrated care. It enables a radically different approach to treating cancer. This machine has been specially designed with the patient’s utmost comfort and convenience in mind. It has the radiotherapy and radio surgery options integrated on the same platform enabling treatment of any challenging tumor anywhere in the body. It can treat a tumor as small as an mm to as large as total body electron treatments as well. Its improved operations enable treatments with sub millimeter precision and accuracy. The advantage is it offers the lowest possible dose to tumor while sparing healthy normal tissues. This is possible because it delivers treatments very quickly while at the same time monitoring and compensating for tumor motion. The treatments which once took 25-30 minutes can now be delivered in a few seconds because of the highest dose rate in the industry. The system performs accuracy checks every ten milliseconds throughout the entire treatment. So the clinician can do real-time tumor tracking or “see” the tumor they treat and hence reduce the margins which are needed to ensure coverage of the tumor. The machine’s imager generates 3 D images of the tumor and surrounding anatomy 60% faster than is possible with other machines and also uses 25% less x-ray dose making it safer for the patient’s.

The beauty of the machine is that it offers clinicians an opportunity to personalise and tailor a patient’s radiotherapy treatments. It has a specially designed couch with 6 degrees of freedom enabling the patient’s better position and comfort during the treatment. Three closed-circuit television systems with two-way audio allows for comprehensive monitoring of the patient from outside the treatment room and interaction with the patient during treatment. It also enables music to be played during treatment to make the patient feel more at ease. It just focuses on what matters for the patient and its cutting edge technology is designed to cure cancer without fear. It’s committed to new victories over cancer with the utmost compassion.


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Top Multispeciality Health Care Hospitals in India - Narayana Health

«Narayana Health» Contact Us:

All Locations:


Jamshedpur, Brahmananda Narayana Multispeciality Clinic

Sharda enclave, H No. 151/152 SNP Area, Dhalbhum Road, Sakchi , Jamshedpur, Jharkhand - 831001


Jamshedpur, Brahmananda Narayana Multispeciality Dialysis Centre

Sai Jumbo Tower, Jumbo Bagan S – 9 ground floor, Bhalubasa , Jamshedpur, Jharkhand - 831001


Bangalore, Narayana Multispeciality Clinic, Electronic City - Niladri Road

E-City 1 (Niladri Road): Sy No. - 162 Vandana West Ridge Plaza, Niladri Road, Doddathogur Village, Electronic City Phase – 1, Karnataka - 560100


Bangalore, Narayana Multispeciality Clinic, Electronic City - Velankani

E-City 1 (Velankani): Shop No. 5,6,7 SJR Equinox Retail, Opp. Gate No. 3 Velankani Information Systems Pvt. Ltd , Electronic City Phase – 1, Karnataka - 560100


Hosur, Narayana Multispeciality Clinic, Hosur

Narayana Multispeciality Clinic, 27-1, Thirumala Plaza Denkanikottai Main Road, Shanthi Nagar East , Hosur, Tamil Nadu - 635109


Bangalore, Narayana Multispeciality Clinic, HSR BDA Complex

B 43/A, 1st and 2nd Floor BDA Complex, HSR Layout, Sector 6 , Bangalore, Karnataka - 560102


Bangalore, Narayana Multispeciality Clinic, Sarjapura

Above HDFC Bank, 83/3 Doddakannelli, Sarjapura Main Road , Bangalore, Karnataka - 560035


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Helpline - 180 0309 0309


Ahmedabad, Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Ahmedabad

Nr. Chakudiya Mahadev, Rakhial Cross Road , Opp. Rakhial Police Station, Rakhial , Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380023

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Emergency +91-787 810 0900


Shimoga, Narayana Multispecialty Clinic, Shimoga

GCS Building, Kuvempu Road , Shimoga, Karnataka - 08182

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Guwahati, Narayana Superspeciality Clinic, Ulubari

Ulubari, Near KFC, Guwahati, Assam - 781007


Kolkata, Rabindranath Tagore Multispecialty Clinic

1st Floor, 85/A Sarat Bose Road, Jyoti Vihar, Sarat Bose Road Crossing, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026 , Kolkata, West Bengal - 700026


Jammu, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Narayana Multispeciality clinic

15-C, Sansar Tower 2nd Extension, Gandhi Nagar , Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir - 180001

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Bangalore, Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center, Bommasandra

258/A, Bommasandra Industrial Area, Hosur Road , Anekal Taluk , Bangalore, Karnataka - 560099

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 97384 97384


Bangalore, Ramaiah Narayana Heart Centre, M S Ramaiah Nagar

M S Ramaiah Nagar, MSRIT Post, New BEL Road , Mathikere, Devasandra Layout , Bangalore, Karnataka - 560054

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Bangalore, Narayana Institute of Cardiac Sciences, Bommasandra

258/A, Bommasandra Industrial Area , Anekal Taluk, Hosur Road , Bangalore, Karnataka - 560099

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 97384 97384


Bangalore, Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, HSR Layout

Basant Health Centre Building, No-1 , 18th main (Opp.HSR Club), Sector 3, HSR Layout , Bangalore, Karnataka - 560102

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 080 71112244


Bangalore, Narayana Medical Centre, Langford Town

Building No.9, Langford Road , Civil Station, Hosur Road , Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560025

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Bangalore, Narayana Multispeciality Clinic, Jayanagar

No.108, Uday House, 30th Cross, 8th B Main Road , 4th Block, Jayanagar , Bangalore, Karnataka - 560011

Bellary, Jindal Sanjeevani Multispeciality Hospital

Vijay Vittal Nagar , Toranagallu Sandur , Bellary (District), Karnataka - 583123

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 08395 242096/242080


Davangere, SS Narayana Heart Centre

SSIMS Jnanashankara , NH-4, Bypass Road , Davangere, Karnataka - 577005

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 09538 589633


Delhi, Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital

Vasundhara Enclave , Near New Ashok Nagar Metro Station , Dallupura, New Delhi, Delhi - 110096

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: +91 737 007 3700


Dharwad, SDM Narayana Heart Centre

Sdm College Of Medical Science , Manjushree Nagar, Sattur , Dharwad, Karnataka - 580009

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: +91 973 900 3028


Gurugram, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Gurugram

Plot 3201, Block - V , DLF Phase - III, Nathupur, Sector 24 , Gurugram, Haryana - 122002

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 79700 79700


Guwahati, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Guwahati

Tularam Bafna, Civil Hospital complex , Amingoan , Guwahati, Assam - 781031

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: +91-881 108 7770


Jaipur, Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Jaipur

Sector 28, Kumbha Marg , Pratap Nagar, Sanganer , Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302033

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: +91 998373 2222


Jammu, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Narayana Superspeciality Hospital

Kakryal (Village & Post) , Katra Tehsil , Reasi District, Jammu & Kashmir - 182320

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: +91 199-227 9311, +91 907 088 8111


Jamshedpur, Brahmananda Narayana Multispeciality Hospital

NH-33, Near Pardih Chowk, Tamolia , District Saraikela Kharsawan , Jamshedpur, Jharkhand - 831012

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 76548 24365


Kolar, RL Jalappa Narayana Heart Centre

Tamaka, SDUMC Campus Road , Kolar, Karnataka - 563101

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: +91 990 172 6726


Kolkata, Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Jessore Road, Kolkata

78, Jessore Road ( South), , Kolkata, West Bengal - 700127

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: +91 9836 75 0808


Kolkata, Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Howrah

Podrah , Near Chunabati, Andul Road , Howrah, West Bengal - 711109

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 8334830003


Kolkata, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Howrah

120/1, Andul Rd , Near Nabanna , Howrah, West Bengal - 711103

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 8334830003


Kolkata, Rabindranath Tagore Surgical Centre, Hiland Park

D-52, Sammilani Park, Eastern Metropolitan Bypass , Near Big Bazaar, Hiland Park , Kolkata, West Bengal - 700075

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kolkata, Rabindranath Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences

124, Eastern Metropolitan Bypass , Premises No: 1489, Mukundapur , Kolkata, West Bengal - 700099

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: +91 9903 335544


Kolkata, Rotary Narayana Eye Hospital, Salt Lake

CN Block , Sector V, Salt Lake City , Kolkata, West Bengal - 700091

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Helpline: 033-3011 5000

Emergency: +91 983 141 9000


Mumbai, SRCC Children's Hospital

1-1A, Keshavrao Khadye Marg , Haji Ali, Haji Ali Government Colony, Mahalakshmi , Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400034

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 022-7122 2333


Mysore, Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Mysore

CAH/1, 3rd Phase, Devanur 2nd Stage , R.S.Naidu Nagar , Mysore, Karnataka - 570019

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency +91-985 399 8539


Mysore, Narayana Multispeciality Clinic, Mysore

Avati L Ramasheshaiah and Lakshmi Devamma Multi speciality clinic (unit of narayana health) #80/1, vinobha Road,Next to SBI Bank Shivarampet, Devaraja Mohalla , Mysore, Karnataka - 570001

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Raipur, MMI Narayana Superspeciality Hospital

New Dhamtari Road, Lalpur Near Pachpedi Naka , Raipur, Chhattisgarh - 492001

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency: 08821 818181


Shimoga, Sahyadri Narayana Multispeciality Hospital

NT Road, Harakere , Shivamogga, Karnataka - 577202

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Emergency +91 95388 97690


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