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Construction and Repair
29 August 2016

Today, there is a great variety bath-tub in the market. If you can’t imagine yourself without taking a bath with fragrant foam, before upcoming renovations and before ordering plumbing services in London, you should examine what kind of bath-tub you can buy and install in your bathroom today. To tell you the truth, such a purchase is not cheap, but with the right choice of shape, color and material of the bath-tub, you can get a fully-featured bathroom and your own corner of paradise, where you will be able to relax.
Let's start with the form of the bath-tub which can be chosen. Classical roll-top bath-tub is a traditional choice of a majority of buyers. Its average volume is about 600-700 liters;it allows you to dip into water comfortably. You can also find a model with biggest volume if you want to dip into the water up to your chest. This form of the bath-tub is suitable for bathrooms of any size, but preferably for more spacious rooms.
If you have a small bathroom, you should think about saving space without sacrificing its functionality and comfort. An experienced plumber can tell you the best way to save valuable square meters in your bathroom. You can install the bath-tub and toilet in one room, or to install a corner bath-tub. Corner bath-tub is the best way to save space in a small bathroom without sacrificing convenience and comfort during bathing. Such bath-tub fits perfectly to the configuration of the bathroom.

Bath-tubs overview

Now let's talk about the materials of the bath-tub. Today you can find in the markets bath-tubs produced of three main kinds of materials: cast iron, steel and acryl. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s consider them.


Cast iron bath-tubs


Highest heating capacity - cast iron perfectly accumulates heat of hot water, and then gives up it for a long time as the cooling;
High resistibility and mechanical stability;
Working lifespan - 50 years or more.

Heavy weight and difficulties in the transportation and installation;
Brittle outer enamel, vulnerable to damage;
Steel bath-tubs


Medium weight and easy transportation;
Good heating capacity;
Working lifespan - 30-40 years.

Cools faster than cast iron bath-tub;
Produces a specific hum when filled with water.
Acrylic bath-tubs


Plasticity of the material;
Wide choice of designs and unusual forms;
Wide choice of sizes and colors.

brittleness of the material;
Short working lifespan;
Rather expensive.

So only the customer decides what kind of bath-tubshould be chosen for the bathroom. If you look for a bath-tubfor a full due, it is better to choose a cast-iron, which, in spite of the heavy weight and cumbersome, will be of service for you and your children for many years. Difficulties in installation are caused bynecessity to carry out all plumbing works: changing of pipes, laying new tile, waterproofing repairs before the installation of a bath-tub.

If you look for a middle ground between cost and reliability of the bath-tub, choose a steel model, which will also be of service for you for a long time, and at the same time there will be no problem in transportation and installation. You can choose not only classical white bath-tubbut also beige, pink, silver and others.

If your goal is design renovations in the bathroom, you should choose a beautiful acrylic bath-tub with unusual shapes and colors. This material, despite its brittleness, allows designers to develop a variety of interesting forms. If you want to buy something quite unusual, you can search for a bath-tub of non-standard materials: wood, glass, ceramics. Such models are quite expensive, but they fit perfectly in the bathroom interior.

Whichever bath you choose for yourself, our experienced plumber in London will make for you qualitative renovations in the bathroom with the installation and connecting bath to the water supply and sanitation.



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