Nurses and Babysitters
28 July 2015

Job connection, work with applicants


A topical question about implementation of work in domestic services was discussed at the Third Conference recently passed in capital of Russia, where a lot of employment agencies were present. A lot of well-known agencies took part in this conference, they are: Prime Service and Staff +, Bok Maiden and Home Staff, First Stream Staff and Kadronica, and other companies.


Since the last conference a lot of problems, which should be solved as soon as possible, appeared. They are connected with cooperation with applicants, standardization of service quality and other questions.


Skilled workers settle the matter


Well-known phrase is relevant to this day. Staff recruitment and trainings are based on it. If earlier people were able to work in domestic services without specific trainings, today the same is not true. You will not be able to get a job of babysitter or housemaid without special skills and proficiency in this field. Housemaid must have a defined level of medical trainings, especially it is subject to those, who want to get a job in the families with small children and infants. Teaching practice would be an asset. It would be nice to acquire a skill of eco cleaning the house, to be able to work with sophisticated technologies and cleaning products for domestic use. It was determined during the conference that the caliber of staff for work in private residences must be on the rise. Also, those applicants, who don’t have certain skills, must complete training. Proficiency training center “Domoved” was marked among recommended courses.


Interview, following questionnaire


First important step of job placement is interview. You need to know that agencies compete among each other, but there is also the notion of mutual supportiveness. In other words, when one agency has a lack of professionals in particular field, it asks another agency, with whom it has partnership or amicable relations, if it has a professional in this field. However, such mutual supportiveness requires unifying resumes of applicants and interview process.


There is the other problem, when the applicants send their CVs to several agencies. People think that all agencies only compete with each other. So, when one agency is just looking for a vacancy, the other agency connects the person to a job. It was decided during the conference that help of the agencies must be paid by applicants. The usual amount is two hundred rubles. The pay is not so high, however, it may help to discipline applicants.


Moreover, it’s intended to create a single database of applicants.


General standards of work


An important problem of every agency is reduction of value orientations of some colleagues. The competition has always been, and remains. But it has to be positive and fair. First, they have to understand what price of service should be for applicants and for employers. If agencies work with manufacturers, such problems could never occur, because the cost is ten per cent of the annual income of employed person.


As for job placement in domestic services, there is no coalescence of councils. Sometimes 50% discounts are offered, sometimes some agencies say that they will work for free, but in this case the money should be paid by applicants, but not by employers. It causes degeneration of service quality of agencies, and thus lowering of the quality of the staff.


Creation of Association is an important achievement


Most of the problems can be solved by creation the association of agencies. Work of these companies is socially important, that is why their functioning should be at high level. Conferencing, which attract representatives from recruitment agencies, works on specific goals.


First we need to develop standardized criteria for the staff recruitment. So a quality level of service will be raised. A qualitative breakthrough can be an impulse to the creation of a unified association that will give the opportunity to work with a single database of applicants, with uniform standards for customer service. It will be easier for applicant to find a job, even if he sends his CV only to one agency of the Association. Employers will be sure that the service provided will fully satisfy the needs and requirements of applicants. Moreover, it will be possible to create a single methodological center, which is so necessary today. So the quality level of service will be raised.