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Nurses and Babysitters
27 August 2015

First of all, an employer gauges a housemaid by the cut of her jib. You have to make sure that your clothes are clean and neat, your hair should be pinned up and your makeup shouldn’t attract attention. You should avoid attention-getting colors and provoking style of your clothes. During the interview you should ask what kind of duties you will have and write it down, if it’s necessary. Also you should elaborate such details as the place where you can change, take food and use housekeeping equipment.


Being at work, you have to turn your mind to your work. You should be punctual and reliable person. If you can’t come in good time, you should inform the employer in advance and tell him the reasons. Try to remember all instructions. You mustn’t presume upon a short acquaintance. If you are invited to dinner, you should thank and say no. The conflicts between the members of the family should not be outside your activities and work.


You don’t have to tell your friends the details of private life of your employee and his family. You should avoid the conflicts with the members of employer’s family and keep your family and relatives at arm’s length. You also have to be polite with small children; speaking about pets, you should be careful and keep a civil tongue in your head. Personal items, hygiene products and cosmetics of the employers should be untouchable.


Needless to say that these instructions mustn’t be taken as laws, it’s up to you to decide whether you would follow these instructions or not. However, you can commit to memory some of these recommendations; it will help you to work for one employer for a long time and to get excellent references.


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