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17 July 2015

Labor market: job placement of married couple


A lot of married couples prefer to work together. That’s why they are looking for a job in the privet residences uptown, where is the family of employer and, probably, there is the office of a company. However, it’s quite difficult to get high-paid job. Usually, a couple gets not more than sixty thousand rubles.

If the family has a desire for a better job, they should examine all requirements to married couples, because they are considered to be a team of 2 persons.


The main column

Marriage certificate is very important thing for a lot of employers. That’s why passport endorsement is not formality if a couple wants to be hired.

Everything is quite easy. If a couple takes seriously family ties, they’ll also take seriously their job, and nobody will leave place of work because of a quarrel.


Don’t hide your capabilities

Everybody knows the expression “Genuine Drama Begins at the Cloakroom”. Of course, talking about employment, the other moments also should be taken into consideration. Your CV is that “Cloakroom” where you should mention everything you can. Applicants often forget or miss to point their capabilities, skills. Don’t even think that your prospective employer will read between the lines.

Moreover, the applicant must remember that he or she is responsible for the given information in his/her CV. That’s why if he didn’t point some of his skills, this fact can show his diffidence and inexperience.


Cooks, housemaids, babysitters

Chance to get a job in a private residence is quite higher, if a couple shows their skills in certain occupations and professional qualifications.

Country houses “loves” to have a lot of visitors, a lot of events (big parties, meetings of friends or business partners) take place there. That’s why your skills of kitchenry will be appreciated. However, you should be able to buy food products, to set the table and to cope with the event for 15 persons. If you have working experience in food outlets, you should mention it in your CV. Home cooking of healthy or diet food is highly-prized nowadays.

If the employer has small children, your abilities to get on with children and medical education would be an asset. You also should know nonpolluting ways to clean the house. It would be nice to be able to work in the garden, with birds and pets.


About equipment and about those persons who are on a first-name basis with it

Male labor is highly valued for its multi-functionality. In order to get a job in the privet residence you have to be cross-functional soldier. First requirement for the married couple is driver license.

Most of the men are required to control life-supporting systems of a house, to repair something, knowing of plumbing system and electrician. Also it’s important to be able to tend the garden, especially, lawns and different types of shrubs. Some employers want their employees to be aware of the system “Smart house”.

It’ll be just perfect if you know how to work with such equipment as quad bike, snowmobile, holiday cruiser. It’s also important to get along with different animals, especially, dogs. Just believe that even a small detail can have an impact on the decision of employer to hire you or not.


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