Health and Beauty
25 December 2017

What is Microblading?


Microblading is a technique that puts pigment into the second to third layer of your skin (basal layer where your melanin lives). This is not as deep as a traditional tattoo. The benefits are that the lines stay crisp and sharp because it is also where your skin has most of its elasticity and collagen. Tattoos go deeper, getting closer to your blood and natural body fluids, causing the ink to dilute and spread, therefore creating blurred lines rather than realistic hair strokes. The benefit of microblading is that trends change and so do you. This will allow you to have the option to change and create a different look in the future. Maintenance is required, unlike Tattoos. A 4-8 week touch up is required to access where color grabbed and what needs to be refilled. A color boost is then recommended between 18-24 months to maintain design. Some people may want it done sooner, 6-12 months, depending on your skin and how well it holds pigment. A touch-up may be required at 12 months or sooner for oily-skinned clients, those who tan often, or often expose brow area to certain chemicals (facial peels, chlorine, anti-aging products, etc.). Pigment retention varies depending on skin type, age, aftercare, immune system, medications, certain chemicals, etc. If you want a change, you can let it naturally fade on its own.


You are NOT a suitable candidate for this procedure if you:

Are Pregnant or nursing

Have a History of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring

Are Diabetic (require doctor's clearance)

Going through Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)

Have Viral infections and/or diseases

Have Epilepsy

Have Pacemaker or major heart problems

Had an Organ transplant

Have Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

Are Sick (cold, flu, etc.)

Had Botox in the past 2 months

Had Accutane in the past year

Have Heart conditions, Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure, Poor general health.


Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system/healing would make you an unfit candidate for micropigmentation/microblading procedures.


One week before appointment

-Stop taking the following supplements (Vitamin E, B6, Omega 3, Gingko Biloba, St. John's Wort) and anything that may contribute to thinning the blood which may affect anesthetic efficacy and cause more bleeding than normal. You may resume taking your vitamins 72 hours after your appointment.


72 hours before and after your appointment

-Avoid alcohol and aspirin/ibuprofen so you can heal properly and avoid excessive bleeding during service.

-Wash your hair in the morning or night before because you will want to avoid getting your brows wet for several days and want to avoid dirt and bacteria from falling in the newly microbladed area.


On the day of your appointment

-Avoid caffeine and exercise so you don’t increase your blood pressure or feel overly anxious.

-Come to appointment with no makeup around the eyebrow area because it will be removed with disinfectant and constant wiping during service.


Microblading is a two-step process, consisting of initial procedure and a touch up to be completed 4-6 weeks after. This method is a lot kinder to the skin than the old method done with a machine.

Redness and swelling usually dissipate within an hour or two after the treatment and generally no permanent scarring takes place.


When you come in, we clean/disinfect the eyebrow area with alcohol, then apply numbing cream as you fill out the required health and release forms. Then we pencil in the design and new shape of your eyebrows with a waterproof pencil and go back and forth until you are happy with the shape. After that we lay you down and begin the microblading process. Entire service takes anywhere from 1.5-3 hours.


After your appointment

Your new eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle.

-The pigment will appear very sharp and dark immediately after the procedure. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin and has not settled in completely yet.  The color of the pigment will soften gradually. Do not be alarmed if you see some pigment on the cotton swabs as this is excess pigment and/or body fluid that are exiting your skin.

-Aquaphor (Healing Ointment) should be applied for 7-10 days.

-Once the healing of your skin starts taking place, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression that the color pigment is fading too quickly.  However, this is just superficial color and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows. Do not wet, scratch, pick or scrub!!

-After about 7 to 10 days, the color will fade slightly and the definition will soften. There's no down time, so there's no need to take a day off work.

-Brow shape, color, and shade may change. A 2nd or 3rd session is required depending on skin condition

-Final result may take up to 5-10 weeks.

-Once completely healed, always apply a layer of sunscreen SPF 30 to SPF 50 on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun.  Sun exposure might cause the color pigment to fade away much faster than desired.


If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.